What to Expect
We love visitors at Good Shepherd, but also try to respect your space and you will not be singled out during a service.
Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 am and usually lasts till about 11:30. Children of all ages are welcome and a nursery is provided.
The Episcopal church is a liturgical church which means that we follow an order of worship passed down through the Anglican tradition. The service is laid out in the service bulletin you receive when you are greeted by the ushers.
Episcopal services include music, bible reading, praying, preaching, confession and communion among other things. There is a lot of standing (when you sing), sitting (when you listen) and kneeling (when you pray) but the bulletin will guide you through the process.
There is a visitor card in the pew so please fill it out and give to an usher or place in the alms basin.
After church we have coffee hour in the Parish Hall. Come on over for coffee and some light refreshments.
Becoming a Member
While everyone is welcome Good Shepherd and invited to participate, becoming a member is an outward sign of commitment that formally joins you with the congregation. Becoming a member can happen in several ways.
Transfer of membership from another Episcopal Church
Reception from another denomination into which you were baptized or confirmed
Confirmation (an adult affirmation of baptismal vows)
Expression of intent – you wish to become a member
Baptisms and confirmation classes are regularly scheduled during the year. You do not have to be baptized or confirmed to be a member but certain classes of membership allow privileges like voting at an annual meeting or serving on the vestry. Wherever you find yourself in your faith journey you will be warmly welcomed at Good Shepherd.